Six Green Kitchen Ideas

Energy Efficient Appliances – The first, and obvious, place to green any kitchen is in the selection of Energy Star® appliances. As an extra benefit, often times utility companies will offer rebates for homeowners who purchase models that exceed the minimum standard.

Compact Fluorescents (CFLs) – CFLs can save 75% of the electricity that incandescent bulbs use. Unlike older models, today’s CFLs offer a softer lighting than the cold, sterile lighting of the past. Although CFLs cost more than incandescent bulbs, they last eight times longer.

Cork Flooring – Cork flooring actually comes from the bark of trees, which is naturally shed every nine to 15 years, so no trees are destroyed for this material. Cork flooring is also considered a hypoallergenic material.

Low- or No-VOC Paints – Most major paint companies have a line of low- and no-VOC (volatile organic compounds) paint. Typically, low-VOC paints cost the same as regular paint while no-VOC paints cost more, though the cost has come down in recent years.

Wheatboard & Cork Cabinets – Many cabinet manufacturers use rapidly renewable resources and salvaged materials in the construction of their cabinets. Wheatboard cabinets, which are covered with wood veneers, are one example. Cork cabinets are another. For the benefits of cork, see “cork flooring.”

Recycled Glass Countertops – That’s right, glass. A number of manufacturers nowadays make glass tiles out of recycled glass, which makes great backsplashes. Glass tiles do not emit volatile compounds or damage indoor air quality. These are just a few ideas to “green” up your next kitchen remodel.