Industry Links

CT Dept Consumer Protection/License Lookup
Searchable database for state-issued professional licenses.

MA Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation's license lookup
Searchable database for state-issued professional licenses.

CT Secretary of State's Commercial Recording Division - business inquiry
Searchable database for corporations registered in Connecticut.

MA Secretary of State Corporate Database
Searchable database for corporations registered in Connecticut.

CT DEEP hazardous waste disposal site
The Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection's hazardous waste disposal site.

CT Office of the State Building Inspector - Building codes
Website of the Connecticut State Building Inspector, including links to state building codes.

MA Board of Building Regulations and Standards (BBRS)
Website of the Massachusetts BBRS, including links to state building codes.

Vision Appraisal
Searchable database for appraisal information for participating municipalities (New England).

Town Clerks Portal
Land records database for participating Connecticut municipalities.

Residential real estate search site.

Residential estate search site.

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